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Science Learners Are Scientific Thinkers

"The SSES envisions developing Filipino children who are equipped with scientific and technological knowledge, skills, and attitudes, creative and positive values, as well as lifelong skills, to become productive partners in the community and society's development."

Science Learners Are Scientific Thinkers
August 19, 2022




T & L Innovation


Special Science Class provides a learning environment for gifted and talented learners through a special Mathematics and Science Curriculum that recognizes multiple intelligences and is geared toward the development of God-loving, globally competitive, nationalistic, creative, ecologically aware, scientifically and technologically and skilled individuals.
The SSES envisions developing Filipino children who are equipped with scientific and technological knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as creative and positive values, as well as lifelong skills, to become productive partners in the community and society's development.
This project aims to use alternative materials in the absence of the original materials, to produce the same learning effect as real or complicated material would have to create a short informative video clip created by learners with the help of parents and teachers.
During the pandemic, many SSES learners struggle with scientific experiments due to a lack of materials.
The plan of the project aims:
to use alternative materials in the absence of the original materials,
to produce the same learning effect as real or complicated materials would have,
to create a short informative video clip created by learners (guided by parents/teachers)
to encourage students to be more creative and imaginative,and
to foster positive attitudes of scientific thinkers
For the next school year the innovation will be fully utilized for the SSES learners and if possible for grades 4-6 learner .Science Learners are Scientific Thinkers (Preparation and Utilization of Low-Cost Improvised Materials in Science) is part of the School Programs,Activities, and Projects.

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