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Problem ∝ Challenge = Solutions

"We have seen the problem as a challenge, explored possible solutions, and shared a culture of responding proactively in times of need."

Problem ∝ Challenge = Solutions
August 19, 2022




T & L Innovation


The pandemic brought about many changes in the educative process; from in-person classroom instructions, basic education was mandated to utilizing modular instructions in distance learning as the main modality in the continuity of delivering education amidst the health crisis.
But instead of seeing the emergence of Covid-19 as a problem, it was treated as a challenge. Seeing the imminent modifications as the school started closing last March 2020, we, the Pampanga High School Senior High School science offered solutions and had “Project Innovation: Together Let’s Train and Learn for the Future: Science Teachers in the New Normal” – training/workshops in using free online collaborative platforms for sharing/editing of documents, online conduct of survey and quizzes, use of online classroom, and developing instructional videos during the school break. Hence, we were able to welcome the school year 2020-2021 prepared and equipped.
Solutions that were later that year adapted by the entire science department through “The Chain Goes on: Teaching Science in the New Normal, from Us to You” made the Junior High School science teacher involved in developing instructional materials (IMs).
And seeing the positive impact that these IMs, we say… wait there’s more, and had project LED (Laboratory Experience Delivery) – we developed and utilized laboratory-based instructional videos in physics to help students visualize and understand abstract concepts in this field.
We have seen the problem as a challenge, explored possible solutions, and shared a culture of responding proactively in times of need, we surpass it all!

Keywords: Covid-19, problem, challenge, solutions, online collaborative platforms, instructional videos, laboratory-based instructional videos

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