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Project Alert (Accessible Learning Enhancement As A Remediation Tool)

"Project ALERT was initiated to improve learners’ knowledge retention learn while playing the interactive quiz game."


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August 19, 2022




Intervention Approaches


Everyone in the world was saddened when the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (CoViD-19) outbreak has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a global pandemic. As this infectious disease continues to be a threat to everybody’s health, the Philippine field of education was once again disrupted in its traditional face-to-face teaching-learning process.
We know that learners differ in the way they learn new skills and knowledge, and the sudden shift from face-to-face learning into blended learning approach turned out to be challenging to them. Drastic changes occurred when it comes to the learning modalities used in teaching. In order to reach out and assist learners to review their lessons at the comfort of their homes, and at the same time fulfill the shortcomings of working parents in guiding their children with their studies, the Project ALERT or Accessible Learning Enhancement as a Remediation Tool was initiated. It is an interactive quiz game about important points to remember in science lessons which aims to improve learners’ knowledge retention. By using this remediation tool, learners do not need much assistance from their parents. Moreover, they can learn while playing the interactive quiz game.
As a result of this innovation project implementation, learners’ performance gradually improved after they used this remediation tool. Their test results were used as bases for determining if the project served its purpose of enhancing their knowledge and skills in Science subject.

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