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How Science Teachers can Help Increase the Literacy Rate in the Philippines


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August 19, 2022




Teaching Practices

"Science teachers can aid in increasing literacy rate through reading constant activities coordinated with language teachers."


Our literacy rate needs dire attention. Time and time again, various international organizations had assessed Filipino learners, and the results are dismal. This are manifested in various media and real-life situations. In an interview Perez (2019) attributes the low performance in reading of Filipino learners to the focus on narrative text meanwhile international test like the PISA are based on informational text. Informational text are reading materials that presents text and graphics in pure factual manner from which readers can surmise factual conclusions. Such line of thinking is common in Science.
Because of this Science teachers should lend a hand to reading teacher to promote literacy in informational text. To do this, Science teachers should coordinate with reading teacher, be it in Filipino or English. Science teachers would be the one to curate or even develop informational text based on different fields of Science. From these informational text, various assessment tools can be made to practice critical thinking among learners.
There may be some Science teachers, especially those who are not writers, which may hesitate to develop these materials knowing that they may commit grammatical errors, or their diction may not be good enough. This should not stop us, like our students, we can learn to be better writers. We may also opt to use structure-fixing tools like Grammarly, Prowriting Aid, and Quillbot after composing reading material. Science teacher must strive to create a society whose culture views reading as a way of life, normalizes intelligence, and values education.

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